Friday, September 18, 2009

Roadside bombs in American soil

Many have lived to tell the story of the horrific moments after an angry soul bent on destruction has been moved to action because they see their fears and prejudices supported by someone “playing the game”. With so many groups organizing and being financially backed by huge corporations with the intent of stopping at all costs any reform, it makes me wonder. Where does the responsibility lie? Who pays for all the pain and suffering associated with this drastic turn? Can these groups truly walk away from the aftermath with not so much as a slap on their collective wrists? The proof of incitement is so clear. It has been documented and proven legitimate by many concerned citizens, news reporters, and whistle blowers. Big business continues to spend millions to support “Tea Baggers” and the like. If one of their followers makes a choice to take matters into their own hands, can these companies just walk away spouting the notion that they had no idea that such a thing could happen? Can it be justified merely by saying that “It was just Satire”? Maybe they could in the past when fact checking was something that happened after the fact. Maybe they could get away with it when there wasn’t a 24-hour news cycle and their names would most likely remain hidden until years later with the tragedy a cold memory. I say we call this what it is. Domestic Terrorism. Is there any legal action that can be taken against these groups who knowingly incite violence and discourse into the public arena? If something terribly wrong happens because of the poison that has been injected into the arm of the fringe element, do we as a nation have the right to hold someone accountable? Would we call this Domestic Terrorism? I wonder what these people who are so cavalier about their games of seek and destroy would do if they suddenly found themselves behind the defense table of a federal court? We send our troops into harms way to stop terrorism, yet we allow companies with huge amounts of money to wage war here at home by planting theoretical roadside bombs into the minds of people who are already unstable. These people who would die for the cause and become martyred are the roadside bombs. What makes them any different from the extremist we are currently fighting in the Middle East? It’s sad that we as a country have become what we despise. How can we be the moral authority for any other country when we allow such civil unrest to thrive in our own backyard blanketed by the First Amendment? A U.S. Representative of California, Wally Herger led a town hall meeting where a 67 year old man, Bert Stead declared himself to be a “proud right-wing terrorist”. The Representative gave him a reply of “Amen, God bless you. There’s a great American.” How is this not a crime? At the very least it should be an act of treason on the part of the Representative. On 9/11 we wanted to take out all terrorists. We wanted to hunt them down whether home or abroad and make them pay for killing so many of our American citizens. Now we have “Proud Right Wing Terrorists.” What’s the difference between them and Al-Qaida?

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